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  • 10/01/2015

    So you can use Adafruit's code and other prepared for it. To start with, and as it's not included in the product description., I'll say it has an I2C interface (MCP23017, I2C to 16 IO lines), so you can control the display and the LEDs and read the buttons using just 2 pins (I2C bus) instead of a lot of IO Pins. I bought it to build an internet radio with my raspberry pi, which I could do following the instructions in these websites: http://www.bobrathbone.com/ada_pi_radio.htm http://www.open-electronics.org/internet-radio-with-raspberry-pi/ The latter is just another version of the 1st. Schematic diagram for this product is the same as Adafruit's similar product nº 1110 (linked in the 1st url above), with just a difference: In that one, the RGB LED is also the backlight LED for the, while in this one the LCD has another blue led for this purpose, driven by GPA5 port (which is unused in Ada's). Despite of this, Ada's testing code works 100 OK but Bobrathbone's need minor modifications in order to get the blue BL working (you can also get around this hard wiring the backlight led to Vcc and untying it from GPA5 (easily done at the 1K resistor placed between the contrast potentiometer and the RGB LED. A last note: Adjusting contrast was a bit tricky, you need a steady hand. Overall, a very interesting product at a very good price, considering the components it includes and the threefold price of the alternatives

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  • 06/06/2019

    Works great. But the backlight doesn't change color. There's an RGB LED above the LED display that changes color.

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